Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chubbily-Skinnily Duckling

In the begining, there were two types of people. Those that gain weight quickly due to low metabolism rate; and those who can't seem to gain weight due to high metabolism rate.

The low-met worked very hard to stay slim. They did all sorts of diets... They exercised and ran like there's not tomorrow... Heck! They even counted how many spoonfuls of rice they get to have per day!

The high-met, unsurprisingly, worked very hard to gain weight. They ate like there would be no foods left tomorrow... They even tried the weight gaining powders... When they saw that the above methods failed, they just ate, slept and ate some more!

Life was depressing for both types of people... And some (or should I say a majority of them) found solace in each others' predicament and that's when everything fell apart...

They fell in love. Then they got married. And they made babies... Babies with weird metabolism...

Various weird babies were made... Especially babies with different metabolic rates on different parts of their bodies... Like one with low metabolism on his face but high metabolism on all other parts of his body from the neck down...

He was so saddened due to his chubby face and slim body... Others laughed and teased him... He was the "Chubbily-Skinnily Duckling!"

But he was determined to make them stop... He was not gonna let them win with their insensitive teasing and laughing!

So he started eating lots of red meat (because they contain high amounts of proteins) and exercising consistently to help him build muscle, and he started chewing gums, singing (only when he's alone or in the shower) and talking and making new friends to help him to slim his face down.

And it worked! Now he has an awesomely handsome face and healthy and toned body! And he's having the last laugh over those that used to laughed at him! Ha ha ha =)


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