Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You annoyed me...

Dear people who annoyed the hell out of me recently,

1) You're not a God. You're not a saint. You're not Mother fricking Theresa! Stop mothering and intefering with your independent juniors in the debating society. They have brains that function pretty well. Frankly speaking their brain are much more intelligent that yours when it comes to decision-making. When they are not following your 'orders', that's because they thought it's totally stupid and irrelevant. They just don't want to hurt your fragile little heart because they don't want to waste their time to console you when you start crying. That's why they don't tell you that they actually hate you. So go get a life outside debating and stop nagging and pestering your juniors.

2) Not everything is about you! Get that?! People can survive and train without you in debating. People still can eat and chat merrily without your always-focus-on-the-negative-and-very-annoying presence. Heck! people actually have more fun when you're not around them. Life can goes on without you. If you think that you are an important person in everybody's life, you seriously need to reconsider, Honey. i just happens to know a lot of people who are very irritated by your constant, silly, unreasonable and childish tantrums. They don't even want to hear or see you anymore. So please stop making everything about you, unless you want to annoy more people away from you.

3) Silly biatch! why must i sigh a fucking form when i have a fucking official letter with me? Does the form makes you work your heavy ass faster? No! Since when did you came up with this shiteous fucked-up system that makes you grow fatter? Since forever! I fucking hate you silly biatch and i hope that you'll get fired from your job. Thanks for wasting my time and delaying my salary.

4) Gosh! stop being an ass-holes and move on. Your parent gave birth to you so that you can at least have a decent life. so you seriously needs to fucking move on, away from her.... It's not gonna happen... There are other girls out there who's far more low-maintanance and much less silly than her... Remember - Not happening... MOVE ON!!!

5) I'm not your mother, I'm not your fucking boyfriend. You need to realize that seriously i have more important things to worry about (like whether i get to eat for the coming weeks without my salary, whether i can complete my master degree in time, or even whether i get to find LOVE before i die!) that your bowel movement or whether you want to meet up with a person that actually hates you for lunch or not! Don't waste my time and energy...

6) It's not happening between us. I don't want you back. You are too psychotic and annoying to be with. Gosh! You literally suck out all my positive energy with your crazy, envious and bitchy attics... I'm too good for you, I'm way out of your reach. So stop texting and pestering me to meet up with you. stop nagging me to give you a second chance. You sounded so cheap...

Happy New Year! May you live a better life and stop annoying me...

Best regards,

1 comment:

Wen said...

oy, you're one seriously annoyed boy on a chinese new year! hope the person sudah bertaubat.